March 25, 2011
Final Printing the T-shirts
March 10, 2011
Another week...
In the previous week we have done loads and loads more market research. As you can see it does take much of our time, as this is a vital part of the process.
The production team where doing trial T-shirts, and testing the transfer paper to see how it comes out. Also, people where transferring the designs onto the transfer paper from the colour printer. Some scans of deigns and sketches where made and we made a collage.
We got to stage 2 of logo designs, which conclude with 3 possibilities of our company logo, which we are holding a vote for. The graphic design team where editing drawings on Photoshop and just cleaning the edges up.
And the promotion team set up a Facebook for our logo!
March 03, 2011
Research, Printing and Laughter.
Last week we carried on our market research and two of us visited Hampstead, but we found there were not so many boutiques or gift shops mostly high street shops. We have learnt by market research the best place to sell our T-shirts is Camden as it has a lot of gift shops and our design of T-shirt will fit in well in Camden rather than Hampstead. We completed more design on photo shop and printing on transfer paper to print on T-shirts . We tested our designs on different coloured T-shirts to see how it affects the design.
Isha took some photos of people modelling the T-shirts. After many weeks of designing and researching we are excited to finally get our designs on the shirts and looking forward to getting them out in the streets and selling them.